Taking Responsibility // Verantwortung übernehmen
🇬🇧 Learning the Ho’oponopono method may be simple, but remembering to apply it is a challenge. Our intellect prefers to analyze, reflect, and seek external causes, while also seeking to be right. In the SITH® class, we learn that we are 100% responsible for everything that happens in our lives. This may initially seem impossible. How can we take responsibility for problems on the other side of the world? Or for global issues affecting people, animals, and nature? Yet, that's exactly it! Taking 100% responsibility for seemingly external events is the key to problem solving. If we say it's not our problem and prefer to turn away, these problems cannot be solved - it's as simple as that! When we are willing to take responsibility by applying the Ho’oponopono forgiveness process, we free ourselves from all painful memories. This not only benefits ourselves but also our family, society, and the entire universe. I Love You. Thank you. The Peace of "I" 🇩🇪 Das Erlerne...