

🇬🇧 How Can I Integrate Ho'oponopono into My Daily Life? | 🇩🇪 Wie kann ich Ho'oponopono in meinen Alltag integrieren?

Ho'oponopono is a powerful process for healing and transformation that helps us free ourselves from burdensome memories and patterns. But how can we apply this practice in our daily lives to experience real change? Understanding the Foundation of Ho'oponopono To apply Ho'oponopono in our lives, two things are essential: First, we need to understand who we truly are, and then there is the actual process. A helpful starting point is Dr. Hew Len's article, "Who is in Charge?" on the IZI LLC website. In this article, we learn how our identity is formed and how deeply our subconscious dictates our daily lives. Our identity consists of several layers: the conscious mind, which enables our daily experiences; the subconscious, where deeper memories and patterns are stored; the superconscious, representing our spiritual core; and Divine Intelligence – the source that connects us to everything. These four aspects work together to shape our identity. When we realiz...

Discover the Transformative Power of Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®: A Scientific Study //Entdecke die transformative Kraft von Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®: Eine wissenschaftliche Studie

🇬🇧  In our fast-paced world, many people seek ways to reduce stress and improve their health. A fascinating study conducted by a team of experienced scientists from the University of Hawaii and New Mexico State University highlights a promising method: Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®. What is Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®? Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono® is a traditional Hawaiian problem-solving process designed to identify and resolve stress. It promotes a deeper understanding of the inner relationship between the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious mind. The term "Ho'oponopono" means "to cause to make right“ The study aimed to investigate whether participating in a Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono® seminar, in addition to standard medical therapy, could help better control high blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the most common health challenges worldwide, and new approaches to improve its management ar...

Ho’oponopono and the Identities of Money and Abundance // Ho’oponopono und die Identitäten von Geld und Fülle

🇬🇧  Ho’oponopono teaches us that everything has its own identity with its own destiny: every person, every animal, every plant, every atom, every molecule – every being in our existing reality possesses its own identity, consisting of three aspects: subconscious, consciousness, superconscious, and divine consciousness. In this perspective, we can recognize that money and abundance can also be perceived as distinct identities that exist both physically and spiritually. Money and Abundance as Individual Identities Money and abundance are not just means to an end or abstract concepts; they are living entities that can perceive emotions such as fear and joy, just like humans. They can experience rejection and suffer from it. This perspective may seem abstract at first glance, but it is a central aspect of the Ho’oponopono philosophy, which teaches love and appreciation for every single molecule in the cosmos. Often, we use the things in our daily lives without appreciation becaus...