

The Temptation // Die Versuchung

 🇺🇸  One of the greatest challenges in Ho'oponopono seems to be the temptation to want to "heal" or "fix" others. After all, it's a powerful tool, so of course we want to use it. Why wouldn't we? The world is drowning in fear and suffering. Many Ho’oponopono practitioners feel compelled to offer relief to people. They assume that the other person is too weak or too ignorant to help themselves and that they are the ones who know how to do it. I remember Dr. Hew Len's words when someone described another person's problem and asked how to use Ho’oponopono to help them. "People don't need you. They need God. Do you want to get in the way?" was his response! As if any of our "solutions" could be better, more loving, and more healing than those of Divinity! Human arrogance wears many disguises. One of them is the urge to want to help others. Many participants undertake the Ho'oponopono training to learn how to apply the me

Restored to Harmony // Wieder in Harmonie gebracht

🇬🇧 A Journey of Self-Healing through Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Memories can appear in various ways in our lives, often manifesting as financial, relational, or health issues. They arise unexpectedly and seem to repeat endlessly. Yet, there is a way to confront them and let them go. In an inspiring seminar, people from different parts of the world come together to learn the Hawaiian forgiveness process created by Kahuna Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona: "Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®)". Here, they learn how to apply this forgiveness process to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and open the door to their own inner strength and power. Already during the first day of the seminar, a remarkable transformation begins. Every cell, every molecule of our being is realigned, calibrated, and reassessed. The once tangled mesh of thoughts and data transforms into clarity, lightness, freedom, and harmony. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is a journey of self-h

Taking Responsibility // Verantwortung übernehmen

🇬🇧 Learning the Ho’oponopono method may be simple, but remembering to apply it is a challenge. Our intellect prefers to analyze, reflect, and seek external causes, while also seeking to be right. In the SITH® class, we learn that we are 100% responsible for everything that happens in our lives. This may initially seem impossible. How can we take responsibility for problems on the other side of the world? Or for global issues affecting people, animals, and nature? Yet, that's exactly it! Taking 100% responsibility for seemingly external events is the key to problem solving. If we say it's not our problem and prefer to turn away, these problems cannot be solved - it's as simple as that! When we are willing to take responsibility by applying the Ho’oponopono forgiveness process, we free ourselves from all painful memories. This not only benefits ourselves but also our family, society, and the entire universe. I Love You. Thank you. The Peace of "I" 🇩🇪 Das Erlerne

Let's talk about MANA

🇬🇧 MANA is a powerful spiritual energy activated in the Ho'oponopono forgiveness process. It's quite simple: By choosing to surrender a problem to divine intelligence, we initiate a process that ends by fully immersing us in MANA. When we connect with our divine source, MANA flows into us and transforms negative energy. This causes the root of a problem to vanish, whether it's financial, health-related, interpersonal, or global. There's no hierarchy of problem solving in the Ho'oponopono forgiveness process. Tip: Don't rely solely on your intellect! This can block the powerful energy of MANA and the problems could become even worse. Instead, opt to let go of the problem: let go and let God, and connect with your inner Source! 🍓🫐 🇩🇪 MANA ist eine kraftvolle spirituelle Energie, die im Ho'oponopono-Vergebungsprozess aktiviert wird. Es ist ganz einfach: Indem wir uns entscheiden, ein Problem an die göttlichen Intelligenz abzugeben, setzen wir einen Proze

Welcome to MANA-LOA*

🇬🇧 MANA-LOA: Discover the Sacred Energy of Forgiveness Welcome to MANA-LOA*, a place where the transformative power of forgiveness is at work. Here, you will learn more about the ancient Hawaiian method known as Ho'oponopono, which is considered a key to activating new life energy, called Mana. In Hawaiian culture, Ho'oponopono simply means correcting an error – yet this error is not external, but within ourselves. The deep wisdom of the ancient Hawaiians teaches us that our thought forms are the source of illness and other problems.  Through the practice of Ho'oponopono, we can dissolve these inner conflicts and free ourselves from our limitations. My own journey with Ho'oponopono has shown me how, through the conscious application of this method, we can not only heal our own inner selves, but also illuminate the world around us. MANA-LOA* invites you to be part of this transformation. Dive into the wisdom of Ho'oponopono, discover the power of forgiveness, and e